Let us install LXDE with a Linux Lts kernel.

We change our project locally and push it to github when finished.

On the iso we get the new code in and follow the installation procedure:

1. change your keyboard if needed
2. navigate to /alis or /alis-dev
3. run ./start.sh
4. stop the script to change anything or press y to continue

– 💡 The video focuses on installing LXDE with the Linux LTS kernel on ArcoLinux.
– 💡 Unnecessary applications are removed to streamline the installation.
– 💡 The ISO is built with the most recent changes and pushed to GitHub.
– 💡 The installation process is fast and efficient, showcasing the power of ArcoLinux.
– 💡 Configurations and settings are applied to LXDE for optimal performance.
– 💡 Regular updates and rebuilding of the ISO are recommended to keep the system up to date.
– 💡 The final result is a visually appealing and functional ArcoLinux with LXDE desktop environment.

Booting and virtual machines

VirtualBox and VMware designate drives as /dev/sda, while Qemu identifies them as /dev/vda.

Alternatively, opting for 'auto' allows the script to automatically select the appropriate option.

Grub is compatible with both BIOS and UEFI systems.

Refind and systemd are exclusively compatible with UEFI environments. (Configure your virtual machine to match these requirements)

We manage our githubs with two scripts. Use them as a template but change them. Download here.